
Finding more, for less

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The survey was conducted online in March 2023 by YouGov, on behalf of ING, and sampled 2,073 Australians aged 18 years and older to understand all things that make them tick. The figures have been weighted to project what is representative of all Australian adults (aged 18+).

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ING Sense of Us Report 2023 - out now!

Our latest report reveals Aussies are maximising every opportunity to do the things they love within their means. From DIY style, to new ways to socialise and making the most of work connections. Download a copy now to see how Aussies are getting what they want for less.

Cheap frills, micro-splurging and work perks

Top goal for the year

45% say saving money (the third year in a row) followed by 31% for travel.

Where we're cutting back

60% are currently or plan on cutting back on activities with friends to save.

Where we're (micro!) splurging

29% are micro-splurging on premium tea and coffee as an at-home treat.

Fashion is out of fashion

70% of Aussies are looking to cut back on their fashion and beauty spend.

Who's happiest of them all

At 72% Western Australians and Northern Territorians are the happiest.

Fun fact: #workperks

20% of Aussies admit they attend work events for the free food and drink.

Flip through now, download for later

To get a better sense of Australia and where you fit in, grab your copy of the ING Sense of Us Report 2023 now.

The survey was conducted online in March 2023 by YouGov, on behalf of ING, and sampled 2,073 Australians aged 18 years and older to understand what makes them tick. The figures have been weighted to project what is representative of all Australian adults (aged 18+).

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