Earn, save, and access easily
Savings Accelerator
A tiered savings account that rewards you for growing your savings.
Earn up to
% p.a.
Variable rate
(additional Kick starter variable rate of % + on going variable rate of %)
Kick starter rate available to new to ING savings customers for 4 months, on total balances of $150K to $500K. Then roll onto % p.a. variable ongoing rate on balances up to $5 million.
This special kick starter rate is for a limited time only, don't miss out - open an account today.
Grow your interest when you grow you balance
Earn a competitive variable rate on balances over $50,000, and an even higher rate on balances exceeding $150,000. The rates for each balance tier apply to the entire account balance, up to the limits stated.
No fees, more growth
With no fees, every dollar you deposit will earn you interest, giving your money every opportunity to grow to achieve your savings goals.
No fuss
No fixed term, minimum withdrawal amounts or monthly eligibility requirements. Plus combined balances up to $250,000 per customer are fully guaranteed by the Australian Government.